Sunday, March 7, 2010

Easter Candy Kids Will Love To Make

Welcome everyone ,
Today i have a great recipe for you to try with the kids (or yourself)
im sure they will love the results :-) and because Easter is just around the corner i have named this EASTER CANDY but really its for any occasion. Also i have used my two favorite flavors and colors but you can experiment and have fun with pretty much any you think you would like. you can also get creative with the shapes or keep them simple the choices are huge. ok now get making and have fun and i hope you enjoy .


1/3 cup Soft butter
1/3 cup Light corn syrup
1/2 ts Salt
1 ts Flavoring
3 1/2 cups ( 1 lb ) sifted confectioner's sugar
Large bowl
Wooden spoon
Paper plates

This is a no-cook recipe the children can mix with their hands. Flavor it
with any of the liquid flavorings in the supermarket, such as
strawberry and lemon. If you want, you can instead divide it into
portions and add a few drops of food coloring to tint it yellow and red,
Then knead a small amount of flavoring into each one to get the flavor you desire. Strawberry flavoring into the portion you added the red coloring to and lemon for the yellow portion etc This recipe makes about 1 1/2 lbs of candy.

Help the children measure all the ingredients into the large bowl. They
can take turns stirring it with the wooden spoon until it becomes too
stiff. Then they can knead it with their hands. They should continue
kneading until the mixture is smooth.

Give each child a portion of dough on his or her plate. The children can
pinch off pieces, roll them into balls, and press them lightly with a fork
to make a fancy butter candy. Children who cannot roll the candy into
balls can make snakes, cut the snakes into pieces, and press the
pieces with a fork. They might eat the pieces with the fork, but that's
ok too. Infact they can make the candy into what ever shape they desire but they should be kept to a fairly small bite size piece. Leave the candies on the plates and refrigerate them for 30
minutes, until they become firm. Easter candy tastes even better the
second day, if you can keep everyone from eating them all on the first
day. Cover with plastic wrap and keep them in the refrigerator. enjoy :-)

P.S. Dont forget to share this blog post with your friends and visit regularly
for more ideas and recipes .regards Claudia

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Just a quick update, you may have noticed the free cookbook i am giving away when you put your name and email in my new opt-in form at the top right of this page, Well as luck would have it i am having a few technical issues with that so i am extremely sorry for any inconvenience but as soon as it is fixed i will put up another post letting you know so you can get the free summer party cookbook. Which by the way is choc full of over 70 pages of great recipes that i am sure you will love . apologies again Claudia

Sunday, January 31, 2010

first blog post and recipe

Hi everybody and welcome to my cooking tips and recipes site .
today i am giving you one of many free recipes so be sure to copy this
and return everyweek for other recipes and tips, im sure you will love
todays recipe and it doesnt take to long to whip up either, for those in a


500 grams steak cut into thin strips - 1 clove of garlic-
1 tsp of worcestershire sauce - 1 beef stock cube-
1 cup of cabbage cut, finely sliced strips- 6 shallots sliced-
2 tbs of oil -1 tsp of soy sauce-
half a tsp of curry- 1 tsp of margarine-
1 red capsicum sliced- 1 cup of sliced celery-

first step is to add oil to fry pan and then meat cook meat until it changes colour,
DONT completely cook the meat at this stage, Then add garlic , soy sauce and
worcestershire sauce, curry and the beef stock cube. Cover and simmer for 10 mins,
Then you can add the margarine, celery, shallots, capsicum and cabbage, toss over
fairly high heat for 2 or 3 mins and serve . Sit back and watch everyone devour it .

Ok well thats all i have for you today please dont forget to drop in regularly for more
goodies all the time . regards Claudia

p.s. if you like this post dont forget to share it with your friends on twitter and facebook and
i would love to hear any comments you have .